Tag: Encouragement

How You See Is What You Get

As we walk through each day, the impact of our senses, especially our eyes, gives us a unique self perspective. We see things “through our own eyes” and the first thought is “how does this effect me?”

I Choose . . .

When I charge forward with new perspective . . . I pursue with purpose, passion and a plan.

Easter Sunday

This is your day to seek Him because He wants you to find Him . . . it’s His presence.
This is your day to no longer be weak because He is your strength . . . it’s His power.
This is your day to experience peace that passes all understanding . . . it’s His peace.
Today is your day to hope . . . to heal . . . to restore . . . to rest . . . it’s His promise.

Jesus’ Silent Saturday

On the Friday of His last week, Jesus’ death culminated His trial, torture and crucifixion.  There were the cries of the crowd, the mocking by Roman Soldiers and the tears of His followers.
Friday was loud . . . Saturday was silent.  Saturday would forever be a between day . . . between death and destiny, agony and answers, loss and life.